The Friendliest Cats in Oklahoma City
Pet Adoption and Welfare Services of Oklahoma, Inc. PAWS-OK (405) 204-3964
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Please Spay and Neuter Your Pets!
Thousands of pets die in Oklahoma shelters each year because there are not enough homes for them.
Don't let your pets add to this problem by reproducing.
Your pet can be safely spayed or neutered as young as 8 weeks of age. Sterilized pets are happier, and have less health problems as they age.
Click on these links for more information on OK low cost Spay/Neuter services.
PAWS Friends and S/N Resources
Cat Reproduction 101
Age at first heat cycle? 4.5 mos (20 weeks old)
How often do cats cycle? Every 2 wks
Average litter size? 5 kittens
Can litters have multiple fathers? Yes
How long are they pregnant? 60-64 days.
How young can they be spayed/neutered? 5-6 wks old / 2-3 lbs
FREE Spay or Neuter ... OKC Residents only
Cats/Kittens, Dogs/Puppies
Call for more information (leave a message)
(405) 313-1469
Your Tax Dollars at Work Sponsored by the OKC Animal Shelter
Pet Adoption and Welfare Services of Oklahoma, Inc