The City of Oklahoma City offers FREE Trap Neuter Release (TNR) for feral cats, through the Community Cat Program.
When an OKC resident brings a free roaming cat to the Oklahoma City Animal Shelter, the cat will automatically be spayed or neutered, ear tipped, vaccinated for rabies and returned to where it was trapped or captured. There is no cost to the resident for this program offered at the shelter which helps manage free-roaming cat populations without harming them and can eventually lead to a humane end to a cat overpopulation situation in local neighborhoods. Oklahoma City Animal Welfare encourages the public to take part in this program.
Cats can be brought to the OKC Animal Shelter (2811 SE 29th) Tuesday - Sunday from 9:00 - 5:30
WHY Trap, Neuter, Return?
OKC Animal Welfare recognizes that free-roaming cats are in our community. Currently, there are no ordinances that cover keeping a cat indoors. OKC AWD officers only pick up stray cats that are ill, injured, involved in a cruelty case, or have bitten someone. Nuisance issues caused by outdoor cats require a community response. That is why OKC Animal Welfare offers TNR through the Community Cat Program.
TNR helps control population growth, but also helps to stop undesirable (“nuisance”) behaviors such as loud mating, fighting and spraying.
TNR is the only long-term solution for controlling the overpopulation of free-roaming cats. Attempted eradication of the cats, by starvation or by “catch & kill”, will simply backfire. Studies show that removing feral cats from an environment creates a “vacuum effect.” The area where the cats were removed will quickly fill with new cats taking advantage of whatever meager food source is available (i.e., leftover food in dumpsters, small rodents and insects, etc.) These new and unsterilized cats will quickly reproduce to the capacity of the site and the cycle of breeding will continue.
Cats that have been sterilized are ear tipped (one centimeter is removed from the tip of the left ear) to identify cats that are sterilized.
Some people cite diseases, such as toxoplasmosis, as serious health concerns caused by feral cats and thus the reasoning behind their needed elimination. However, humans only contract toxoplasmosis when they ingest feline fecal matter, not through direct contact with cats. Ingesting under-cooked meat products are a more common cause of this disease.
All cats that are part of a TNR colony or a community cat program are vaccinated for rabies as part of the program. Cities that have implemented feral cat programs have reported a substantial drop in all animal control-related problems, especially in the area of citizen complaints about free-roaming cats. Most of the objectionable behavior such as yowling, fighting, soiling, and wandering is solved by sterilization. Trap and kill methods are not only ineffective but also unpopular with the general public. It has been shown that most people prefer a humane and compassionate alternative, especially one that is successful and cost-effective. Oklahoma City is fortunate to have caring individuals who are willing to help with such a plan.
The Community Cat Program is available for any free-roaming cat that is feral (wild) or a stray that is not tame. They live in alleyways, parking lots, vacant lots, backyards and lots of other places. Prior to the community cat program, cats were euthanized when they were taken to the OKC Animal Shelter. Now they will instead be spayed/neutered, vaccinated, ear-tipped and returned to the area they came from in an effort to control the overpopulation of cats in the community.
The Benefits
It costs OKC taxpayers less to fix and return thousands of cats rather than euthanize them.
The population will be controlled with no new litters of kittens.
Annoying behaviors like yowling, fighting and marking territory will stop or decrease dramatically.
The cats are vaccinated against diseases.
Hints to Consider when using the Community Cat Program
DO NOT trap kittens under three months old. Kittens under 3 months of age are too young to spay/neuter and will likely not make it out of the shelter alive due to space and foster limitations.
DO NOT trap nursing mother cats until kittens are eating on their own (3 months old). Kittens should not be left unattended and mothers released the next day may not be able to find them.
Trapped declawed cats will not be returned. They cannot defend themselves outside. Every effort will be made to place them in adoption or with rescue if they are social and there is room.
Cats DO NOT have to be in a live trap to participate in this program. If you can get them into a carrier or crate if that is easier, then do it. The important thing is to get them in for sterilization.
Trapping Tips
Establish a feeding schedule so they appear at set times of the day to eat
Withhold food for 12 - 24 hours before trapping so the cats are hungry enough to overcome their fear of the trap to go after your bait
DO NOT set traps and leave them unsupervised. As soon as the trap is sprung, cover with a sheet or blanket to calm the cat and ready it for transport
DO NOT leave set traps overnight – you might catch skunks, raccoons and other wildlife.
DO NOT TRAP WITHOUT A PLAN for transport. If you can’t drop cats off right away,
DO NOT let them out of the trap – they will be fine in the trap for a couple of hours or even overnight if necessary.
Secure BOTH ends of the trap after you catch the cat with zip ties or carbiners to prevent escape.
Do not set traps on uneven ground or in direct hot sunlight.
Suggested bait: canned cat food, tuna or sardines in oil, fried chicken, hot dogs
For more tips on basic trapping:
WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP? Volunteers are needed to trap and transport free roaming cats to the shelter. Join us on Facebook at “Saving the Free Roaming Cats of OKC” for more information.
Questions about the Community Cat Program can be directed to either OKC Animal Welfare at 405-297-3100
or , or Central Oklahoma Humane at 405-286-1229 or